Researchers at IMDEA Networks (Spain) in collaboration with University of Haifa (Israel) have developed an underwater acoustic system for the localization of marine mammals, underwater vehicles and other sound sources in the ocean, using no more than a single hydrophone (basically an underwater microphone) as a receiver.

06 Nov 2017
The 5G-CORAL project aims at delivering a convergent 5G multi-RAT access through an integrated virtualised edge and fog solution that is flexible, scalable, and interoperable with other domains including transport (fronthaul, backhaul), core and clouds. 5G-CORAL is part of the European H2020 ‘5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership’ (5G-PPP).

27 Oct 2017
University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) participates in the seventeenth edition of the Madrid Science Week with more than thirty activities (all free-of-charge) that will offer a first-hand knowledge of the Institution's R&D+i program. IMDEA Networks is collaborating with UC3M in the staging of a multimedia, theatrical and informative show that explores the effects of 5G technology in our everyday lives. The show will held on November 7th in the Auditorium of the UC3M.

20 Oct 2017
The world's seven most industrialized economies (G7) have released a declaration highlighting the transformative role of 5G communication systems in the Next Production Revolution (NPR), also known as Industry 4.0. G7 Ministers see 5G as a key enabler of the highly complex technological demands posed by the digital economy.

11 Oct 2017
IMDEA Networks and Huawei Technologies have recently launched a joint research project to explore the synergies of two distinctive wireless technologies, which are both key components of the present and future of mobile communications. On the one hand, the project builds on everyday mobile networks such as WiFi and LTE. On the other hand, it integrates state-of-the-art wireless networks operating in the millimeter-wave band, as envisioned for future 5G networks. Their combination is crucial to enable the evolution of mobile networks, one of the most impactful technologies driving change and progress toward the “network society”.

28 Sep 2017
5TONIC partners Telefónica, IMDEA Networks, University Carlos III Madrid, and Cohere Technologies announced today the companies have cooperated in a number of successful trials to test Cohere Technologies’ OTFS waveform, a new radio technology that has been proposed for 5G radio interface in 3GPP.

26 Sep 2017
In police work, the investigator must use in equal measure the art of deduction, his capacity for induction, and the knowledge accumulated by years of scientific and technological development. Several researchers from the IMDEA Institutes will give us clues on how to do this next Friday, September the 29th, during the European Night of the Researchers of Madrid. The event is called “IMDEA-CSI: investigating at the scene of the crime”.

22 Sep 2017
The great ambition of the networked society is to connect everything, everywhere, all the time. But the ideal of seamless communications poses fundamental challenges to legacy networks that the new 5G communication networks currently under development need to solve. One of such challenges is supporting the significant growth of traffic demands. Next generation services such as mobile cloud service, gaming, social-networking applications and 3D immersive applications require massive capacity and higher data rates than current 4G networks are unable to sustain.

19 Sep 2017
Javier García Mateo, the presenter of Primera Hora (Gestiona Radio) has invited some researchers from the IMDEA institutes to share his programme.

18 Sep 2017
The publication “Performance Modeling of Vehicular Floating Content in Urban Settings” has been awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the reputed International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29), which took place from 4-8 September 2017, in Genoa, Italy.